Research questions

The final project proposal needs to be submitted next week and writing this proposal is becoming increasingly difficult. Suffering from anything ranging from severe procrastination, to self doubt and eating copious amounts of chocolate! Anyway here are the fruits of my afternoons labour, I would genuinely appreciate feedback or a response to my questions.

  • How can the physicality of the human form transpire and communicate the physicality of place within the evolutionary realms of space?
  • How can the body understand the landscape?
  • How much does perception affect the audience/performer relationship?
  • What happens to audience perception after a sited piece of dance has been witnessed?
  • How can Yi-FU Tuans distinction of space (1977) be used within site dance choreographic practice?
  • How realistic is the term site-specific dance? Is it an obsolete term to pigeon hole a genre that is not yet fully understood or explored?
  • Is dance film the best way to present a piece of sited dance? Is being able to manipulate and govern what the viewer sees a more specific way for choreographers

They are obviously just drafts at present and will no doubt take more form later.

Whilst procrastinating/excessive break taking I found this lovely site on phenomenological inquiry.

Finding it useful as a lot of my work will require sensing and letting the environment be heard. This is why I intend to use photography and film as the ephemeral nature of dance and the environment will never allow me to recreate the moment. The sited piece of dance can only be viewed by the audience in its original context for one day as the space is forever changed by what happened in its place. The audience member will be changed after seeing it (regardless of positive or negative experience), the only way for my interpretation of the site to be captured and forced upon an audience would be through the use of film. Photography allows me to capture the landscape, movement and perceptive qualities of the site of which are personal to me,  the film allows me to share it with a larger audience as a dance. The difficult part will be to continue the emotion and sense of the environment, the translation of movement in place and maintain the energy of space.

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